ByLightOfMoon Nature Handmade & Supplies Etsy Shop

ByLightOfMoon Nature Handmade & Supplies Etsy Shop
Spirit of the Forest

frstyfrolk Etsy Vintage Shop

Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Etsy Vintage Shop!


Cinderella Moments said...

Your blog looks fabulous! I had been having trouble getting on your blog the past few months. It would just keep getting stuck loading. But now I can see it again! And it is beautiful!!


nancy huggins said...

I love your new header..maybe I should just go ahead and start listing on etsy again..never sold anything on there but then never had more than just a few things listed.

ByLightOfMoon said...

Thanks Cinderella and NAncy,

I have been playing with the blog and I was told once before it was trouble loading during "One World, One Heart 2011" and we worked on it. I got the template from the blogs o n my sidebars. I use a couple of them to change up now and then. I want t make an avatar that looks like the blog but I Am not too good at this stuff.

I am very grateful for your comments and Yes, Nancy! get listed on Etsy! I do make many sales there but I also need to work my stores more often. All I have in this house and garage will not sale in not listed.
We found a house to move to in the mountains and I HAVE to get this place CLEANED OUT! I hate to just give it all awaya with the investment I have made but, I will list things down $$ considerable from my first asking prices a year ago.

My Linens are awesome, Many Laura Ashley and Ralph Lauren sets, just need to get them listed.
I should at least load up some of my photos here which I will do in a new post.

Thanks again for your comments!
Smiles, cyndi