ByLightOfMoon Nature Handmade & Supplies Etsy Shop

ByLightOfMoon Nature Handmade & Supplies Etsy Shop
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Thursday, November 19, 2009

New/Old Recycled Water Fountain

I have been busy this last week. I can't believe it is Thursday already!
I have started some projects, and I have been trying to get my outdoor plants inside that may have problems with the cold weather. I have no room to bring them in but I had a bright idea that I would move my shower curtain in the hall guest bath back to the wall and put up a table for them. Well, where do I get a table that will fit in the bathtub? So far, they are all in our bathtub because I can keep Blak out of there easier than the guest bath as that is where his litter box is. Guest Bath! We have no guests, I just call it that because it is my bathroom during the day, good and close to the living room.

We did make a new/old water fountain. I found the three Pewter Bowls at the thrift store and my husband helped put it together. He added a pipe to the inside of the fountain tubing to keep it straighter and with more support. He is still recuperating from his illnesses but doing better. We just take things slow and easy. The bowls were a really neat find.

Smiles, Cyndi

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