I also met Elizabeth and Debra at the 5&10 store in Blairsville, GA on the square by the Hole in the Wall Cafe. She has consignment booths full of beautiful things and many sewing items. I did get a "Home Sweet Home" Sign I have been wanting for $2.00 and also a $2.00 fairy I could not pass up.

I also visited the Lavender Garage at South 129 Hwy which had lots of beautiful jewelry and crocheted items. She is really good at crocheting the unusual. Both shops are fairly close to each other and to my cabin.
No wonder I missed Meeks Park because I talk to long to everyone I meet. LOL! I even met two guys sitting on their porch on a beautiful farm that I thought was Lavender Garage but with their directions is was just a little further down the road. But, I made many nice friends! Their front porch was fabulous and I had to take photos, Oh, how I wish I had the Fairy Silhouette.

I am enchanted by the little houses folks here have at their driveway edge to the road. Maybe it is for the school children to wait inside for the school bus and maybe small storage unit. Here is a photo of it. I love taking photos up here the land is just full of unusual to me buildings and farms, etc.

I need to sell some of my things at,
I have gathered walnuts to clean and I do have stained hands as everyone warned me. I also gathered sassafrass roots for tea and I enjoys some last night! Oh!, fun in the mountains. I do have trouble staying inside to still unpack and get organized. But, I am working out of boxes as I did before. I WILL get it all together when I get it all up here to my unfinished attic craft room.

When I went to the Recycle Fire Dept that is only open on Wednesdays I saw these fabulous sweet potatoes. I had to also take a photo with the milk carton to really show how HUGE they are. Unbelievable!

He said they were going to make sweet potato fries with them. Have you tried the ones Arby's is now offering. The sauce they come with can be addicting! I just love them!
Well, enough for one weekend. I love to go around and see things happening up here as so much goes on all the time.
Smiles, Cyndi
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