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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog Action Day 2009 Climate Change

Blog Action Day 2009 ~ Climate Change

Today is National Blog Action Day regarding our Climate Planet Earth and Beyond

I can only write about which I can see and know about and I have been paying attention I believe. I can write about what surrounds me in my own tiny kingdom of this world. I can see the air and water content decrease as I live my life here. The air is polluted and while much is being done about this, I can still do my little part to help daily.

I grew up in Missouri drinking well water before we got city water installed and our clothes dried on the clothesline in our backyard. I can see all of us NOT being able to drink well water but clotheslines? It is even against my neighborhood covenants to have a clothesline in my back yard.

I have a retractable clothesline anyway; I dare them?
I am also not to fly a flag; I fly a United States flag. I dare them?

My drinking water is from Alabama for the most part but it comes through my refrigerator filter, NOT my kitchen and bath sinks as before. I do drink bottled water when on the go and am decreasing the number of bottles per day by having a stainless bottle to drink from instead of many plastic bottles. I am really making a conscious effort to turn off the water when I brush my teeth and shower with less water(while shave legs) more often than I used too. It all helps a little and that is all one person can do, is their part.

We have the energy efficient light bulbs in our lamps and I recycle all that I can. We have a recycling bin curbside for our paper and plastic No.1 and No. 2 bottles in Alabaster. I cannot recycle glass at my house but I found the University of Montevallo has a glass bin on their campus and I take mine there now. Last week when I was there a boy told me they use it to make concrete. Awesome, they can have all the glass I have and can find close to me. Have you noticed how much LESS glass bottles are in your refrigerator than used to be? A lot less, but still pickles, relish, beer and wine. I try to re-use these for something or will recycle the ones I can’t use in some way. Plus I will take my neighbors with me. My Publix grocery store has an outside bin for plastic bags and foam egg cartons and I do put mine there along with any foam cups I get here and there. A GOOD THING! I also carry plastic bags I bought from the animal rescue I have saved 100’s of RX medicine bottles until I can find a place to recycle them. That I guess is my biggest complaint from something I can do at this point. I found that a company called Whole Foods has Blue Bins in front of their stores for the NO 5 RX bottles but not in Birmingham, AL. They are mainly in the east and west coast of the USA when I called them on the phone. And Target sells the products made from these re-cycled bottles, so why can’t Target put a bin outside their stores to collect them also?

Why can't the pharmacies like Walgreen, CVS, Wal-Mart, Rite Aid to name a few close to me not use recyclable bottles? Think of how many are loading the landfills. I ask at the hospital recently and was told that some medicines breakdown in a bottle and cannot be reused for animal shelters to send RX home with foster parents, (the only use I have found for them) and then I lost the name of the animal shelter farm that replied to me by emailwith all I was getting after we lost Megan. I do ask if anyone knows of an animal shelter that can use these washed and label removed bottles to please let me know. When we started our Pet shop web site, MyShop4Pets I wanted to donate anything I could to animal shelters in my Golden Retrievers names and found one animal shelter reply to me and somehow that email got lost in all the email surrounding me at that time.

Now I can understand a few RX that may qualify for this rule and they should stay in a Non-Recyclable bottle BUT I know of many more I get each month that could be recycled and am not. OR put all the OTHERS in other containers to BE Recycled. Or Re-used in this way. I know of one RX I take that I have received in the manufacture bottle a few times and most months it is re-bottled to me is the amber plastic No. 5 bottle. Why not put my label over the manufactures all the time and pass on to me.


I have also seen on HGTV which I love now that have one, on the "Planet Green" channel that white roof tops reflect the heat and that an Arizona Wal-Mart has changed all their roofs to WHITE.

The hospital we were in recently had walkways with rooftops we could see from the hospital windows; why not plant grass or juniper there for less maintenance and to help planet earth. The rooftop was flat and did have river gravel there with the turbines. Why not garden there for the food we ate there? Can you also see Vulcan in the skyline below. This is a Birmingham landmark! When we first moved to Alabama in 1970 his light glowed red for a car death accident and green for a zero death accident day. They changed that when they refurbished him in the 1990's. He is made of iron and this city made alot of iron when founded.

You can learn more about Vulcan here:

This is a chance for people around the world and in the United States to join together in telling President Obama that we want him to lead the United States in taking bold and significant action to reduce greenhouse gasses.

I received this email to share with you this AM also, please click read about taking part
Click here to add your name and call on the U.S. to take action now.

Smiles, Cyndi

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