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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Educate, do not regulate

~~~ sharing an email with you ~~~
This is an email I received from the American Pain Foundation as I live in Chronic Pain like so many others who can only manage their pain and no cure has yet been found for our problems. Please educate yourself to the problems the goverment is voting on and read this information and them please vote for this action.
While you are there , please join the American Pain Foundation as they have helped me understand my pain that even my spinal stimulator cannot relieve. I am signature #792.
Thanks, Cyndi

FDA Acetaminophen Recommendations—Take Two Actions!

Join APF in Urging the FDA to Protect the Rights of People with Pain - 1) Sign Petition and 2) Send Your Comments to the Public Docket!


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is considering advice from its Advisory Committee that would eliminate all prescription acetaminophen combination medications (like Vicodin, Percocet). In addition, they are recommending taking the 500 mg (extra strength) dose of acetaminophen (the medicine in Tylenol) off store shelves and make it available only by prescription. These changes could negatively affect people suffering from pain who rely on these medicines every day.

Act now and sign petition!

Our position is simple: We can address the problem of harmful overuse of acetaminophen by conducting a major and sustained public education program about the risks and safe use of acetaminophen and by better labeling of medicines that contain acetaminophen. Taking products off the market is over-reacting and can be harmful to millions of people who rely on these medicines for effective pain management.

The deadline for signing the petition is September 27th —don’t delay, sign today!


The American Pain Foundation has joined forces with other pain advocacy organizations to create an Acetaminophen Task Force to study the FDA Advisory Committee’s recommendations. The Pain Care Forum’s Acetaminophen Task Force produced comprehensive statements of concerns and recommendations about the FDA Recommendations. Please read the documents linked below and compose your own comments to the FDA. There is just a brief window of opportunity to respond. The FDA is accepting comments up to September 30th.

Respond to the FDA NOW:

For additional information:

Click here to read APF’s position statement on the FDA recommendations for acetaminophen combined medications and over-the-counter acetaminophen medications.
Click here to read the task force’s concerns about the FDA’s recommendations regarding prescription acetaminophen combined medications.
Click here to read the task force’s concerns about the FDA’s recommendations regarding over-the-counter acetaminophen medications.
Click here to read APF’s Question & Answer sheet on acetaminophen and opioids.
Thank you in advance for taking action!


American Pain Foundation


Thistle Cove Farm said...

oh Cyndi, I am so sorry you're in constant pain and will sign the petition. I absolutely disagree with the FDA's position!

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

Cyndi, I think of you often, and wonder where you find the strength to get through your days when in constant pain like this. You are my hero, and I admire you for all you do in spite of it all!

I miss you, girl!!!!


ByLightOfMoon said...

Thank you so very much for your comments. You learn to live with what you have and just deal with it as everyone does. It just takes me longer and some days it just doesn't get done.

That is why I try to deal her on the internet as I can work when I can.

I appreciate everyone who takes a look at the American Pain Association site and they help us to understand what the government is working on and NOT always in our favor. At least we can have a say in what we need and just hope the legistlators listen to our pleas.

I wish I could go to Washingtona dn be a poster child for Hidden Disabilities. If we look ok, so many just DO not Understand what is inside and so Inportant for Us to get through each day.

I know each of you have bad days and you know how hard it can be to just do whatever is normal for you. Sometimes we just need the added medication to operate.

Thanks again and blessings to all of you! SMiles, Cyndi