ByLightOfMoon Nature Handmade & Supplies Etsy Shop

ByLightOfMoon Nature Handmade & Supplies Etsy Shop
Spirit of the Forest

frstyfrolk Etsy Vintage Shop

Saturday, May 16, 2009

My husband Bob kept my Grandog of 9 years "Barkely", Our Megan and Jordan's real puppy and our new puppy " Emma" played tug of war with a puppy toy when we got back home. They were even to busy to grret is very long. They both ended up giving in now and then and then back at the game. Emma is learning to play with him as she has been alone to long with Jordan now gone. At first, she hid in the closet when Barkley came over, who knows why? Now, they are the best of friends. Now they also play tennis ball which Jordan loved. HIs bowl of tennis balls had not been touched I noticed one day while vacumning and that very same evening Barkley came over to spend the night for the first time in along time. The tennis balls came out and have not been all back again since then.

They took them to the backyard and tossed them around, we also throw the tennis balls to retrive. Barkley brings it back but Emma just plays with it. She will learn.
Another new toy to chew on also. She is growing up fast and a Daddy's girl.
We have a web-store caled


Olde Dame Penniwig said...

My gosh, what smart dogs! Mine used to play keep-away when they were young, but never did get the hang of tug-of-war. Goldens are so smart!

Marie Reed said...

Emma is such a cutie patootie! They look like they are having an absolute ball together!

Shelley said...

Those dogs look like 2 best buds! Cute! I checked out your pet shop - very nice!!!