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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Jordan

I posted this on the yesterday, where I go vote everyday and click for shelter pets to be fed and vaccinated.

Jordan is 11 years old today. We always celebrate their birthdays with special treats and toys. He got a raised water and food tray so he does not have to lay down to eat. He also got a tennis ball thrower and 2 new tennis balls, They are like his security. He loves them over plush toys.

He is still mourning the loss of his mate "Megan" we lost this spring very suddenly to cancer. He accepts Emma but his heart still is sad. His digestion is getting better with the WD RX food and I Mix it with dry for him to eat. My Vet also told me to add some pumpkin on top for fiber. He loves that! Just straight pumpkin, Not the pie mix! I just add a couple of Tablespoons and mix it in with the dry and canned mix. We feed them twice a day now as we used to just leave it out all the time for them to eay whenever and he ate around 9PM at night. But he is getting used to 8AM and 6PM very well. It is good for us too, as I can monitor is intake. But, all is well and we love him with all our hearts.

Smiles, Cyndi and


1 comment:

Farmhouse Blessings said...

Happy Birthday Jordan!
