ByLightOfMoon Nature Handmade & Supplies Etsy Shop

ByLightOfMoon Nature Handmade & Supplies Etsy Shop
Spirit of the Forest

frstyfrolk Etsy Vintage Shop

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Welcome March!

A busy day! My Dear Husband took off work today to help get my market store reset to a new loaction. We are in the same complex, just a smaller site. I will sure miss the wall space and lighting but not the high rent $.

We actually got alot of the furniture moved yesterday afternoon, but I had no merchandise priced and tagged yet this Am so it was 1PM by the time we got there. It went faster than expected and it is set, I suppose, Ijust had to add the merchandise. Maybe some same things back and some new Easter and spring things.

I checked into my ebay site and tried to visit my Glad Tidings Primative Sisters and here I am. I went to EaglesNest Site and Linda Pinda from post they mentioned and then I added the guestbook so now I need to get back and say "HI" on our groups area there.

ebay has been more than just me, as I have met so many awesome friendly people through the groups area. I just wish I had time in every day to visit each. This blog has got the most traffic of anything I have done and I am so happy and grateful for setting it up with this fine group of Sisters in Glad Tidings, We have all made web-site and Photos through the Keeping Room area, see the links on side page area( the one with the tea kettle on and the aprons by the door to save your pretty dresses from soiling) This is so fun!

We also heard today from our friends we dog-site for, Actually it is my dogs puppy, "Alley" and her sister Maggie. They are so fun to keep and be with when their parents go to Greece again and Sicily in April. We will go to North Carolina. mmm, On Tv they are talking about the tornado's that hit in ALabama one year ago at Enterprise High School in south Alabama and we had just arrived at their Florida home to keep the girls while they went to the Carribean for an anniversry cruise.
We have kept them 2 times a year lately and love every moment of it.

We have had an wesome day here today, light wind and warm, 65 and sunny, PERFECT for me. No humidity like in the summer....

Angelina of Angelina's trinkents also just told me I won here tatttered teddy bear and I can't wait to receive it . I also wil post the photo of the picture altered art I received and see if anyone will tell me who sent it. I love it and had it right here by me. I will add it to my altered art wall with ACEO gifts, so far this makes four. And I love every one. the other three were thru the Effa Zine and that is my Altered Art Blog. I think I have too many blogs. NO WAY! smiles, cyndi

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