ByLightOfMoon Nature Handmade & Supplies Etsy Shop

ByLightOfMoon Nature Handmade & Supplies Etsy Shop
Spirit of the Forest

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

The scarecrows on the square in Blairesville, GA.

It is so neat to be on our front porch lying on my daybed.  I can hear the silence in the  forest. Then all of a sudden the wind is blowing through the trees up the hill and getting closer and closer.  It tussles the leaves and then they start falling all around me and then the  many wind chimes start to chime all around me, The wind gets blowing harder and the breezes get stronger. Then it starts to get cold. I pull up my polar fleece blanket with golden retrievers on it. It is so warm and listing to the wind and the chimes is FINE!   Then I get cold and go inside where the fireplace is burning. 

This was my feelings last night around 40 degrees outside. I just had to come in and write the memo to myself to share it.  Then, again this morning, Lily wakes me up wanting to go outside as day comes for another wonderful fall day. And, it is Halloween today! I wish you a wonderful day! She goes outside and I was watching her, she goes up the hillside to watch the early birds and the squirrels rustling the leaves. Then I watch her move in close to them and finding she cannot excite them she tries to come back down and as she walks, a leaf falls beneath her feet and it kind of scares her. She doesn't realize it was her paw moving the leaf or stone and making it fall and move under her . She takes another step and the same thing happens. So, she maneuvers around the forest debris and goes to the path not covered where the forest floor is exposed and she can walk down the path of clay soil to the yard area she is familiar with and feels comfortable again and ready to explore in our yard. The birds are up and checking the feeders which I just filled .  We only put a cup a day in them to keep the bear from getting into them and finding a good food source.   

Another day has dawned and I tell her, welcome to the World, Baby Girl, a new day has come. She loves to wander and see all the movement of bugs, butterflies, anything to explore every day. She can;t wait to get started every day when the daylight is visible. Sometimes she gets me up while still dark but it is not long before you can see the new day. 

Our yard is completely covered with leaves. The wind is falling them everywhere. Even walking the decks around the house rustles the leaves under foot. They are everywhere! There is no way to keep up with blowing or sweeping them away. We might as well just wait till the trees are bare of them as much as they will be anyway. Some hang on very long, and we also have the rhododendron and  pines that will stay green.

Here are some photos from the "Punkin Chunkin" festival we attended last weekend. 

My DH doing his favorite thing and getting a massage

The children doing a pumpkin roll

I shot of the area the festival was in, beautiful mountains in the background.

These puppies will  be trained for combat solders returning with difficulties and needing some help.

I fell in love watching the alpaca's from the Southern Cross Farm.

He is so cute crewing his feed,.

Here is some of the fall foliage I have been seeing.

Happy Halloween from me to you, this was a roadside farm's display we found.

I have been collecting sassafras leaves, they are so beautiful and I am making framed wall photos with them.

Hay Bales waiting to be moved

This one tree was really leaking sap, I believe it to be a catalpa tree.

Here is the same tree in another location 

More roadside photos 



And, these mushrooms were growing inside our house at the back sliding doors, I could not believe my eyes!
How did this happen?  Well, it did! 

I found these photos of my "Button Floozie Tin" I made fro Kimberly with the buttons I filled it with before I mailed it off to her. 

Wishing you a fabulous day! 
Smiles, Cyndi

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