ByLightOfMoon Nature Handmade & Supplies Etsy Shop

ByLightOfMoon Nature Handmade & Supplies Etsy Shop
Spirit of the Forest

frstyfrolk Etsy Vintage Shop

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Saved from the trash dump!

We were at the Post Office one day and this truck next to us was packed in his bed with all kinds of Stuff!
He was waiting in his truck and I was next to him waiting in our car SUV so I asked him if he was going to the dump with his loot!  His answer was " Yes" and my eyes lighted up even bigger!  I saw this pair of  fabulous lamp shades and they were torn and raggedy not to stop me, they had Great Form!

Of course I could have them he said and so I loaded them into our car. Meanwhile he asked if there was anything else I could use so I asked about the quilt I saw and of course, Take it, Give it a good home! Oh, my day was made!   He also had a blanket that I really did not want or need but I did not want to hurt is feelings so it came home with me also. His lady came out and said she was relieved to see them have another home as when they moved here they got dented and damaged but she was not looking at the Interior Metal underneath the tattered silk material which was beautiful itself but beyond cleaning.  She said they were gifts from her aunt when they married and that was probably many years ago as they were old like me. 

Well, I shook their hands and said I would pay of forward the gift of kindness and when we got home I got my scissors and started ripping. I just love tearing up stuff!  The trim was a beautiful lace that can be salvaged too! It just needs some color dye or maybe coffee stain.  It will come to me as I work with them or another project, Anyway, it is now in my stash of excess crafting materials I WILL use one day. 

I wish my DH had not returned so soon with his dirty look, NOW why do I need that?" He has several more plastic bins full of what looked like Christmas things I could have gone through or just taken the whole bins off his hands to go through when at home but I knew when to quit! 

At least, I got to more lamp shades to re-do with  lace or doilies or maybe fabric strips!  
I love trash dumps! 

Smiles, Cyndi

I am linking up to the Etsy Cottage Style Blog this week with Show and Tell events of other fun bloggers also. Check them out!

Smiles, Cyndi


deb said...

Congrats on your free finds!!

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

How lucky for you! Cant wait to see them all fixed up!

Anonymous said...

you always have a good eye for such things, Cyndi....the quilt looks really interesting. Does it need much repair or are you going to use it as a cutter quilt? just wondering, hugs

ByLightOfMoon said...

The quilt just has a few small tears in it, I love using the dog run as a clothesline. It has some awesome calico's in it. I will cut it up for this and that! Would you be interested in some of it?

I would not repair it for use as a quilt. I do have way to many as it is. I also have some great quilt tops I need to list that I cut the flowers squares from. One of them had the center hole cut out and I took photos of it years ago. It is just sitting in a box in my attic and I really need to get the squares out and list them.
No one can do beautiful embroidery like you can Dani, I envy you there!

Smiles, cyndi