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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Thank you Cora!

My friend (sister) at Glad Tidings had her breast cancer surgery last Wednesday and had been taking Chemotherapy for the last 6-7 months very bravely. Her cancer was pretty involved and large so she has been shrinking it. I am so thankfuk she finally is rid of it and on the road to recovery.

Her life has changed and she and her sister "Juri" have struggled through it all together. Cora has a blog " Hidden Riches Secret Places" and she has shared her struggle and richness in her faith as a way to let it go. She has so many friends praying for her to get well and get back where she wants to be. She makes angels to sell with her sister “Patsy” that she takes care of.

Cora has opened my eyes to so many thoughts and ideas that she shares as a sister with the Glad Tidings group. I am so lucky to have her in my life.

Thank you Cora!
Blessings, Cyndi


Marie Reed said...

I'll be praying for Cora too.

Jennifer said...

I wanted to stop by and say thank you for commenting on my blog. I have enjoyed reading yours today. Emma is beautiful! I love Golden Retrievers, I have never met one that wasn't as sweet and friendly as they could be.

Farmhouse Blessings said...

So sweet!
