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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Another Love is Leaving us

I have not written much lately as so much sadness has been in our lives. I find writing is the best way to deal with things but, we Never imagined in our worst dreams that our last visit to the River would be Megan's last as she loves it so much there.

We knew losing her daughter, ”my grandog Ally " which I posted about in early April blog here would make the trip very different and she was missed as she lived at the river and also loved it daily.

Well, Megan, Jordan, and Maggie did enjoy the river missing their best friend and daughter every moment.

Megan became sick at the river and we had to seek ER treatment for her as she on Wednesday evening, she just became comatose. NO movement at all, no eye twitches, no tail wags, no dinner, no ice, nothing interested her at all. We contacted a vet in Murphy, NC, Dr Van Horn and he met us at 10PM at his clinic and gave her intensive treatment. We thought maybe she got into something like poison as all this came on so sudden. He checked for antifreeze but test was negative. He ran EKG, many diagnostics and everything looked ok, except blood cells. She stayed overnight with a drip and was better the next morning. If fact, she was up and walking again (we had to carry her to our car the night before in a blanket as she would not help us move her), even ate a little canned dog food. RELIEF! He sent a CBC test to MS. by Fed Ex and we went back for results on Monday. Most of the RX was for her Liver as that seemed to be involved and Dr Van Horn recommended when we returned home to get eastern medicine for Megan. (Acupuncture, and Chinese Herbs)

We got to take her back to the river house and she just took it easy for the next two days. She was up and in the river again every day and seemed to be getting better each day, although still very tired and rested and napped a lot. We just let her do that, as that is why we were there in the first place. To relax and dog-sit Maggie, our adopted grandog!

We took her back to Dr. Van Horn twice more while there and faxed everything to the vet (Dr. Amy Tate) back in AL., that had treated Ally at Riverview Clinic. She said she could even see Megan when we came back home on Sunday, which she did. She repeated several tests to compare results and asked us to return in several days after another round of Antibiotics.

Megan was acting very slow and. seemed really tired so we returned on Saturday Afternoon before our Tuesday Appointment. We saw Dr. Serwitz and Dr Atlas on this visit and they were very alarmed at Megan’s condition. While she was more alert than in N.C. she was still had very low red cells and fluid in the abdomen. They did an Ultrasound and recommended we take her to Auburn University right away for further diagnostics and surgery if needed. They called and made arrangements with the Auburn Veterinary Hospital to be waiting for us, about a three-hour drive. We called our daughter Lisa, and she met us enroute and got Jordan, our male dog , so he would not have to come to Auburn with us.

When we arrived at Auburn we were met by several technicians, Emily and Caroline took over Megan’s care. They consulted with other Dr’s and saw they need to wait before any surgery as they determined with ultrasound and x-rays they Megan’s belly was full of fluid and to do surgery would lose that fluid and the body may auto transfuse (reabsorb) it with time, so they wanted to wait and see what was happening. In the meantime we had to leave her overnight and the next day Sunday, they called with results of more tests and said things did not look good for Megan.

They had DX her with Hemangiosarcoma, a rare, rapidly growing, highly invasive variety of cancer. It is a blood-fed sarcoma; that is, blood vessels grow directly into the tumor and it is typically filled with blood

There is no treatment and Megan is pretty involved with cancer tumors in her liver, pancreas, and spleen. . She also has an enlarged heart but that is nothing to do with this problem and no reason to pursue it as this disease she has is so deadly she only has a few weeks given to even live.

We brought here home yesterday Monday, May 5th and will make her as comfortable as possible and Jordan also came back home so we are all together again.

Megan and Jordan are one week apart in age at 10 years old, so we know she has had a wonderful life with us and I cannot imagine the day she leaves us.

Why is life so tough?


Cora from Hidden Riches said...

Oh, Cyndi!!!!! I'm sitting here bawling! I've walked through this, too, and I just KNOW how your heart is shattered in a million pieces!

Why do we have to outlive our pets like this???? They bring us nothing but love, joy, peace, and to see them suffer just doesn't seem like a just reward, does it?

She knows you love her, Cyndi! You've given her the best life a dog could ever dream of. Other than that, I can only say I'm praying for you that you will find comfort in the loving memories you have. I'm just so, so sorry to hear this!

Love you so much!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry, sad...perhaps Maggie needed some company....dogs don't think like people do...God bless and comfort you during this time...He sees every sparrow that falls and loves you and the dogs very much...wish I could give you a hug...hang in there!

Farmhouse Blessings said...

Cyndi, I'm so very sorry. Wish I could give you a great big hug.


Unknown said...

I'm so very sorry. I'm a dog lover too and know how hard it is to lose one of your babies. I'm sure her past 10 years have been wonderful ones with you. You have my sympathy.

Sugarplum Cottage said...

I am so sorry Cyndi. A year ago my dog, who loved working with me in the garden, ran out in front of a truck and was killed. She was only two and I wanted to die with her. I greived for 2 weeks until I ask God to ease my pain, and he did. Just try to think about all the time you had with her and how she freely gave her love to you.

I know it is hard, but it is so much better for her to pass, than to suffer. You will be in my thoughts, for you are not alone loving an animal this much. Hugs, RoseMarie

Celene said...

I am so sorry. It is so hard losing one you love so much. My old girl is in bad shape and I'm afraid if she doesn't improve soon I will have to make a difficult decesion. God Bless you. Celene

ByLightOfMoon said...

Many thanks to everyone who commented. I cannot tell you how I appreciate your thoughts and your caring about someone you have never met. I feel your support, and through my tears here, they will not quit, I guess they will never run out!

Now, my prayers are for Jordan: Megan;s mate and my male dog. He is still at the emergency Pet clinic and I will take him to Auburn also if they do not need my needs tobight when I wisit at 8PM per his vet pffer. this is afetr visiting hours. Sh elets us come last night and I di not rea;lize untill today when we called about him at 2 PM , so calls till 5-6 and so we are out of touch w3ith his care. This gauls me and I a, ready to bring him home tonight regardless of his condition. Theyare to x-ray him again today at 5Pm and see if intestine blockage is better. That darn Pepto Bismol, and maybe something else??? I cnanot find out till 8PM tonight when his special vet comes on duty. She is fabulous, but, not for her, I would have him out now and at Auburn when they communicate with the pet owner as I know him better than anyone. He was a basket case when we arrived last night, I yanked off the cone collar he had on as he was strangeling himself trying to get out of his cage when we arrived. We spent 3 hours outside with him where after some valium he was able to calm down. But, I had to leave him last hight so he could be monitored overnight with the stomach food passage and get diarrah under contol. I have no idea until tonight when I storm in to get him.

sorry, I am upset!