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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Spring Blooms and cleaning up my garden!

It is the time of year for Flowers and Trees  to start growing and the Native Plants are good and bad!

I have some trees flowering all over the roadsides and no one I asked knew what it was. It has beautiful tiny white flowers that hand down like wisteria.

I believe it is called "Yellowwood"!

These heart shaped leaves grow very close to the ground and if your pull the leaves away and peek inside you will see little brown jugs, look closely! 

The Mountain Laurel is absolutely fabulous  and growing all over our neighborhood forest and some trees I have been trying to learn to identify by the leaves. Also the rhododendron is starting to bloom but we have too much shade for ours in our yard to bloom.And, the are everywhere in our yard.
Here is some "Mountain Laurel"

I believe this is the most beautiful flower I have ever seen!

I found the rose I thought I had planted form the roadsides is really blackberries but they are just beautiful and are drying wonderfully.

One thing we DO have is" Carolina Allspice" and I adore it. IT is so fragrant and  has beautiful red flowers. Of course being me, I  have dried some for potpourri or something.

I am removing the leaves form my moss gardens and finding beautiful mos under them along with my stepping stones and pathways I had made. I had put a ring of stones around many plants I put there and many of the names have washed off before I started using acrylic paint for the markers. 
I suppose I will find out when they start flowering. 

I have found close to my house where I try to have only a flower garden I the native plants have really taken over. I took before photos and asked my question to help name the plants on Hometalk, I always get answers I am looking for there. 

I discovered it is Jewel-weed, or Touch Me Not! Wow, I have a lot of it, it also helps with poison Ivy using the juice from the stem, this will be a keeper in another location, but I have enough for  years to come...

This one is called "Hawkweed'

The pencil like stems do have a mum or dandelion looking base leaf on them.

I found they are very invasive plants I found and started pulling them up as soon as I found out about them.

Some I will  put elsewhere and there are so many still I am sure I will find and I start planting my gladiolas and flowers packets to seed plant.

Oh I better get busy, it is raining again today and has been for several days, they pull up very easy. 
Now, what to do with them? 

Thanks for all the information on Hometalk, they are fabulous! 
Smiles, Cyndi

1 comment:

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Cyndi, this is a great post, full of useful information and wonderful photos...thanks!